Makale, Araştırma ve Raporlar 2012 Türkiye Uyuşturucu Raporu 2013 Türkiye Uyuşturucu Raporu An Evaluation of International Surveys of Children Child Well-Being Document Child Well-Being In Early Years And Women’s Employment Policy Paper Comparing Child Well-Being in OECD Countries Çocuk Refahı Belgesi Çocukların Medya Tüketimleri ve Yaşam Tarzları Early Child Development From Measurement to Action Early Maternal Employment and Child Development in Five OECD Countries Education at a Glance 2010 Education at a Glance 2011 Education at a Glance 2012 Education at a Glance 2013 Education at a Glance 2014 Education at a Glance 2015 Education at a Glance 2016 Education at a Glance 2017 Effects of Reducing Gender Gaps in Education and Labour Force Participation on Economic Growth in the OECD ENHANCING CHILD WELL-BEING TO PROMOTE INCLUSIVE GROWTH Erken Yaşlarda Çocuk Refahı ve Kadın İstihdamı Politika Belgesi From Early Child Development to Human Development How’s Life 2015 -Measuring Well-being Integrated Scial Protection Systems Integrating Social Services for Vulnerable Groups Investing in Young Children An early Childhood Development Guide İlköğretime Zamanında Kaydolmama-Nedenleri ve Önlenmesi İçin Öneriler İnternetin_bilincli_kullanimi_ve_teknoloji_bagimliligi_calistayi_raporu (1) Kadın ve Çocuklara Yönelik Şiddetle Mücadele Kapasite ve İmkânlarının Değerlendirilmesi-Devlet Denetleme Kurulu Raporu Money or Kindergarten- Distributive Effects of Cash Versus In-Kind Family Transfers for Young Children Ortaögretim Öğrencileri Alan Tercihleri Ortaöğretimde Sınıf Tekrarı, Okul Terk Sebepleri ve Örgün Eğitim Dışında Kalan Çocuklar Politika Önerileri Raporu PISA 2015 Results (Volume I) PISA 2015 Results (Volume II) PISA 2015 Results (Volume III) Revisiting MDG Cost Estimates From a Domestic Resource Mobilisation Perspective STARTING STRONG II- EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE Starting Strong 2017 Starting Strong III Starting Strong IV-Monitoring Quality in Early Childhood Starting Strong ŞNT Programının Etkisinin Ölçülmesi Raporu The Impact of Wealth on the Amount and Quality of Child Labor Türkiyede Çocuk Bakım Hizmetlerinde Arz ve Talep